
We support many local and global organizations through hands-on activities and monetary donations.

Friends in Deed

  • Collect food for the Friends in Deed food pantry every first Sunday of the month
  • Provide Easter treats, Thanksgiving food and back to school supplies for low income families
  • Send a team to provide meals for the Pasadena Bad Weather Shelter

Foothill Unity Center

  • Provide back to school supplies
  • Purchase toys at Christmas through the Adopt an Angel program


  • Provide financial support for missionaries in rural Mexico and the Give Ye Them To Eat (GYTTE) program that combats hunger and poverty and encourages self-sufficiency and sustainable living.

CROP Walk Pasadena

  • Send a team to walk and raise funds for hunger relief through the Church World Service

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief)

  • Contribute to One Great Hour of Sharing. This fund supports the administrative costs of UMCOR so that all donations made to UMCOR projects and disaster relief efforts are used 100% for the projects.
  •  Contribute to other UMCOR relief efforts when disasters occur throughout the world
  • Provide health and educational kits for use during disasters

Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley

  • Act as a host church for the Family Promise network, providing meals and overnight shelter for one week at a time, four times a year, for children and their families who are temporarily in a homeless situation.

Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley is a network of congregations and volunteers that provide the immediate needs for shelter, meals, and comprehensive support services for homeless families. The network consists of at least 10 host congregations that are committed to providing the facilities and volunteers to host families on a day-to-day basis. Nationwide, there are 178 such Family Promise networks consisting of more than 4,500 congregations.


  • Recycle bottles and cans. Proceeds go to a Good Samaritan Fund that provides immediate temporary support for local people in need.

 Alternative Gift Fair & Boutique

  • Held the first Sunday of December this event supports the above organizations and others such as Habitat for Humanity, the Heifer Project, Imagine No Malaria campaign and Fair Trade vendors. Sales from the boutique of hand-made items go to the San Gabriel Valley Family Promise network.

 Change the World Weekend

  • Join with other Methodist congregations throughout the world by participating on a designated weekend in hands-on activities to help local or global community projects.